
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Talking About the War

It is disheartening to me that the discussion concerning the war in Iraq is almost exclusively focused on the political cost of the perceptions of the potential electorate. This of course gives the greatest amount of influence to those who have expertise which marvels the profession of weather forecasting for accuracy in estimating the potential perceptions of the above designated electorate. It would please me personally and as this is my own small soap box to mount and cry for attention, to hear the candidates and politicians generally discuss what will happen in the coming years in this war. I fear that we may be underestimating the virulence of the fascist like groups within the radical Islamists. Such groups seem captivated by a vision that cannot be appeased. It is a vision for the political realm that will only be stopped by defeat. Only defeat will open the possibility for transformation. Many Nazis came to realize they had been captivated by a terrible delusion. I am for peace but the hope for peace may require war. I am not a priori against the idea that a withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq may be a tactical decision. It may be that either the danger posed by the Islamists is exaggerated. Though many did not take Hitler seriously when he was giving political speeches throughout the pubs of Germany even when he came to power he was not thought to be as powerful as he turned out to be. What would happen if a radical Islamist regime came to power in Iraq? Might they be tempted to try to gain hegemony over Saudi Arabia? Is that so far fetched? At the end of the day my frustration with the campaign has been that these questions are not being addressed. And those who cover the campaign trail seem only interested in will it play in Preoria.


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