I have not posted anything in quite some time. And my first post back is directed at our current political situation. While I do not personally affiliate myself with any party, I do not begrudge other ministers who choose to do so. My reason for hesitancy is simply that I think whenever one enters the “party political machine” one can become blinded by the parochialism inherent in our system. A government responsive to the people is good. A government subject to the fickle whims of mob rule is tyranny. We need to be able to recognize that our own history has often teetered between the two. This is a recurring challenge to a government “by the people and for the people”. Tribalism is a dangerously fickle government. I am especially reminded of this in the present congressional activity with regards to the presidents supplemental spending bill. One does not see the ideas being sifted and examined, alternatives considered rather one just hears a mind numbing screech that “we are doing what the people want us to.” Why not try to win the discussion with ideas? Instead the detractors from the presidents proposal seek to win their arguments by appeals to the polls. Polls which can change in a matter of hours let alone months.
Luke. It is good to see you back in rare form. What you have to say here is said very well and really needs to be heard and heeded. This tendency is bad enough in government; it is even worse when it infiltrates the Church.
Anonymous, at 6:10 AM
Hey Genuflect,
I appreciate your encouragement. Our current political climate is quite discouraging. I find it most ironic that you hear the call for action in Darfur, by some of the same people who at the same time are calling for a withdrawal from Iraq, which it seems would likely leaven another Darfur like situation.
I appeciate your reflection on how this kind of mob mentality can affect the church. I think the congregationalist churches are especially vulnerable to this tendency. Though size does seem to be a mitigating factor. I think in large groups are even more vulnerable.
Luke, at 7:26 PM
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